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'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just in fact you have been.' 1 Thessalonians 5:11

EYFS Home Learning

 Follow the link below to access the phonics videos these are updated daily.

Week 7

Ask an adult to take a picture of any of your pieces of learning and upload onto Tapestry as we would love to see what you have been doing.

We would also like you to share the story ‘Albert and the Social Distancing’ which is on the website.  This story was written for young children by the minister of the Baptist Church in Newbury.  It is a lovely way of explaining the concept of social distancing and the reasoning behind it and has a nice drawing activity at the end of it.  We hope you enjoy it!



Practise counting to 20, forwards and backwards.

Use the set of 0 to 10 number cards that you made the week before last.  Pick one of your cards – can you find different ways of representing this using things you find from around your home?  What will you need to do to double this?  (You will need to make another set the same).  How many have you got altogether?  Can you complete the sentence – “double….. is ………”.

Make 2 sets of dominoes – you can either use the template on the website or make your own.  Make sure that you have definitely got 2 of each domino that you make and remember that you can only have up to 6 spots on each section of the domino.  Ask someone in your home to hide 1 set of the dominoes.  Pick 1 from the set that you still have and then go on a hunt until you find its matching pair. If the one you find doesn’t match the one that you have, put it back as you will need to find it later.  Carry on until you have found them all! 

Doubling Ladybird

Use the template of a ladybird on the website or draw your own. Create a number between 1 and 10 on 1 wing of the ladybird, and then double it by creating the same number on the other wing.  How many have you got in total?  Can you complete the sentence – “double….. is…..”


Keep practising your Set 1 RWI sounds.  Your grown-ups might find the list on the school website of the different sounds useful.

This week’s sounds are g, o, c and k. Have a look around your home or when you are out on a walk – which different objects that start with these sounds can you find?  Can you draw and label them with their name?

Use the Oxford Owl website to read one or more new reading books – look at the school website for information. Choose one at the same level as the school books that you have got at home, Oxford Owl uses the same book bands as the reading scheme that we use in school.

Play the Giggling Grapheme game on Phonics Play – pick Phase 2 and use your sounds to blend the words.  Can you score 10 points by the end of the game? Play the game more than once this week – what is your highest score?


Weekly Themed activities


Look at the Powerpoint below about plants.  This tells you all about what plants need in order to grow and survive.  If you can’t access the Powerpoint you could do your own research and see what you can find out about what plants need to grow.  Talk to someone in your home about what you have found out.


Plant Hunt!

In your garden or on your daily walk, have a look around to see which different plants you can see.  How many of each kind will you find? When you have finished, choose your favourite flower out of those that you saw.  Make a poster to show this and label the stem, leaves and petals.  You could also include information about what it needs to stay healthy.

Look at the lifecycle of a flower resource below.  If you can print it, cut out the different pictures and put them in the right order.  If you don’t have access to a printer, draw the pictures in the correct order to show how the flower develops during its lifetime.

Creative activities

Create your own mini garden.  You could choose to do this by using real plants or by using art materials or junk modelling.  What will you include in it?  Can you write some little labels to show what you have included?


Create a collage of a flower, using the rainbow colours that we can see on the ‘Thank you NHS/keyworkers’ posters around Thatcham.  Which colours will you need to include?  Will you use them in the correct rainbow order or colours or will you create your own order?

Can you create a junk modelling sculpture of a tree? Use junk modelling materials, paper or card and different colours to make a realistic model.  Think about the trunk, branches and leaves and how you can represent them.  You could always decide to create a fruit tree and represent apples, pears or oranges as well growing on it.

White Rose maths


KQ How can we care for our world?

 Our poor world is feeling a bit poorly lately because we have not been caring for it properly.

Talk to someone in your house about how we could care for our world.

What can we do to make it better? Can you make a poster about one thing we could do?

Phonics Play

There is a username and password on the front page which will need to be entered.

Once you are logged in, click on the 'Resources' tab and this will take you to lots of blending and segmenting (breaking down words) games with which the children will be familar from school. When you select a game it will prompt you to select which 'phase' of sounds you would like to use - EYFS children should choose phase 2.

Week 6 Learning

Ask an adult to take a picture of any of your pieces of learning and upload onto Tapestry as we would love to see what you have been doing.



Practise counting to 20, forwards and backwards.

Make a set of 10 to 20 number cards.  Pick one of your cards – can you find different ways of representing this using things you find from around your home?  Can you do this for 2 or 3 different cards each day this week?

Use the cutting and sticking sheet to put the numbers to 20 in the right order

Spot the Mistake!

Count backwards and forwards between 0 and 20.  Ask someone to listen to you, make sure they are listening carefully and then deliberately make a mistake.  Can they spot what you have done? You could leave a number out, put them in the wrong order or say one number more than once.  Ask your grown up to do the same – can you spot their mistake?  You could also do this by putting your 0-10 number cards from last week and the 10–20 number cards that you have made this week in order.

Don’t Say 20!

This is a game for 2 players.  1 player starts counting from any number less than 10.  On your turn you can choose to count 1, 2 or 3 numbers – if the 1st person counts “1, 2”, the next person might then count “3, 4, 5” and the 1st player would then count “6”.  Keep going, taking it in turns, but when you get to 19 YOU MUST NOT SAY 20!!


Keep practising your Set 1 RWI sounds.  Your grown-ups might find the list on the school website of the different sounds useful.

This week’s sounds are t, i, n and p. Have a look around your home or when you are out on a walk – which different objects that start with these sounds can you find?  Can you draw and label them with their name?

Use the Oxford Owl website to read one or more new reading books. Choose one at the same level as the school books that you have got at home, Oxford Owl uses the same book bands as the reading scheme that we use in school.

Play the Picnic on Pluto game on Phonics Play – pick Phase 2 and use your sounds to blend the words.  Can you score 10 points by the end of the game? Play the game more than once this week – what is your highest score?

Weekly Themed activities


Look at the Powerpoints below about mini beasts.  One of them gives lots of information and the other is a ‘What am I?’ activity to share with a member of your family.  If you can’t access the Powerpoints you could do your own research and see what you can find out about minibeasts.

Bug Hunt!

In your garden or on your daily walk, have a look around to see which mini beasts you can see.  How many of each kind will you find? When you have finished, draw and write about what you find.  Remember to include how many of each you saw!

Choose your favourite mini beast.  Create a poster that shows what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives and whether it can fly or not.  You might think of other pieces of information that you would like to include.  Make it as interesting as possible!

Creative activities

Create a garden scene.  You could choose to draw, colour or paint.  Which plants or creatures will you include in your picture? Which colours will you use?  Which shapes will you use?

Below there are pictures to trace and decorate of a caterpillar.  If you haven’t got a printer at home, why not copy the outline of the insect onto paper and make it look beautiful?!

Can you create a collage of a mini beast? Use junk modelling materials, paper or card and different colours to make a realistic picture.

Learning VE week



Practise counting to 20, forwards and backwards. 

Put up to 10 different objects on your floor, have a good look at what you have chosen.  Close your eyes and ask someone else to take some of the objects away.  Open your eyes and look at what is left.  Can you work out what has been taken away and how many objects are left?  Put the objects back and challenge your grown up to close their eyes and have a go!  Who can get it right the most?

‘1 less than’ Game

 Make a set of 1 to 10 number cards, make sure your numbers are written correctly. Pick a card and represent it using toys, teddies or 1p coins.  Take 1 away – what is less than your original number?

‘10 fat sausages’/’5 currant buns’ Draw, colour and cut out 10 fat sausages or 5 currant buns.  Can you sing the ’10 fat sausages sizzling in a pan’ song or the ’5 currant buns in a baker’s shop’ song? Use the objects that you have made to help you do this and make sure that your subtraction (taking away) is correct each time.

Both the songs are on YouTube if you would to have something to sing along with!




Keep practising your Set 1 RWI sounds.  Your grown-ups might find the list on the school website of the different sounds useful.

This week’s sounds are m, a, s and d. Have a look around your home or when you are out on a walk – which different objects that start with these sounds can you find?  Can you draw and label them with their name?


Use the Oxford Owl website to read one or more new reading books – see here. Choose one at the same level as the school books that you have got at home, Oxford Owl uses the same book bands as the reading scheme that we use in school.

Play the Dragon’s Den game on Phonics Play (see below) – pick Phase 2 and use your sounds to blend the words.  Can you score 10 points by the end of the game? Play the game more than once this week – what is your highest score?

Weekly Themed activities

VE Day

Look at the powerpoint about VE Day and talk about what happened.  Can you and your family answer the questions in the quiz at the end?

Design a menu based on food that was available at the time – remember that there were lots of foods (like eggs) that were rationed and so it wasn’t easy to get them. 

Draw a picture of a child at the time of VE Day – have a look back at the powerpoint to help you. Write 2 sentences to describe their life – think about what they wore, what school might have been like, what toys they might have played with.

Creative activities

Make your own Union Jack flag and colour it in.

Design and make your own military medals – use the template on the website or draw your own.

Junk model a plane that was used during World War 2.  Ask an adult to help you look up what it looked like – the fighter planes used most often were called Spitfires.

Make bunting to decorate your living room. Remember it will need to be brightly coloured and cheerful looking!  Will you use triangles, squares, hearts or other shapes?


KQ- How amazing  our world is?


What part of the story so far do you like best?

How do you think the world was made?  What do the other people in your house think.  How do they think the world was made?

In it Nick Butterworth made up some new animals.

Can you draw and make up a new animal? What would it look like?  What would it be called?

Learning Week 4

Ask an adult to take a picture of any of your pieces of learning and upload onto Tapestry as we would love to see what you have been doing.


Practise counting to 20, forwards and backwards.  Have a look on BBC Teach –Maths 5-7.  Watch the ‘Count with Rodd 2’ clips below.  This introduces the idea of subtraction (taking away), which is our new Maths topic.

Play a bus journey game. Set up 10 seats on a bus (you could use your teddies, toys or members of your family!) Imagine that your bus is driving around Thatcham.  Each time it stops take some of your passengers off the bus and count up how many you have left.  How many have you taken away from 10 to reach that number?

Sing the song ’10 green bottles’. Make 10 green skittles out of objects you find in your recycling.  Roll a ball towards them and see how many you knock down.  How many have you got left?  Take it in turns with a member of your family.  Who knocks down the most each time?  Who knocks down the least?


Keep practising your Set 1 RWI sounds.  Your grown-ups might find the list on the school website of the different sounds useful.

Alphabet abc song

Use the Oxford Owl website to read a new reading book – look at the school website for information for parents on how to register to use this.

Play the Picnic on Pluto game on Phonics Play see below – pick Phase 2 and use your sounds to blend the words.  Can you score 10 points by the end of the game?

Weekly Themed activities

Commotion in the Ocean

Watch and listen to the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ (by Giles Andreae) below and retell the story to someone in your home.  Remember to tell them about the different characters and what they do.

Choose your favourite character from ‘Commotion in the Ocean’.  Make a poster about him/her – remember to include a picture of what they look like and labels/text boxes that tell us what they look like, what they do and what they eat.

Draw and decorate a sea creature from the story.  You can choose whether you make it look the same as the character in the book or create your own entirely different version!

Creative activities

Create a picture, model or collage of a pirate ship, remember to include the crew and other features of the ship.

Create a 3d underwater scene in a cardboard box see instructions below – you could use junk modelling to make the different fish and sea creatures who live there.

Design your own castaway island – where will the buried treasure be? Who lives there?  Which plants grow?  Draw a picture and label the different features.

Maths with Rod

Commotion in the Ocean

Underwater Scene

Virtual Science Week

Look at our resources for science week and decide what you would like to do!

Ask an adult to take a picture of any of your pieces of learning and upload onto Tapestry as we would love to see what you have been doing.


Practise counting to 20, forwards and backwards.  Count how many steps it takes to cross a room in your home.  Count how many birds or leaves you can see from your window.

Get an adult to tell you a number between 1 and 20.  How can you represent this in different ways?  Can you get out a number of objects to show it?  Can you do that number of jumps or claps?

Practise adding 2 1 digit numbers (numbers between 1 and 9) together.  Use objects to work out how many you have got all together.


Keep practising your Set 1 RWI sounds.  Your grown-ups might find the list of the different sounds useful.

Use the Oxford Owl website to read a new reading book – look at the school website for information for parents on how to register to use this.

Play the Buried Treasure game on Phonics Play see below how to access this – pick Phase 2 and use your sounds to blend the words.  Can you score 10 points by the end of the game?

Science activities – we have chosen an animal theme.

Find out about an animal – this might be a pet, a farm animal, a sea creature or an animal we normally only see in a zoo.  Can you make a poster showing what you have found out – what does it eat, where does it live, what does it look like etc.

Find out how many different creatures live in the sea.  How are they the same?  How are they different?  Draw a picture of your favourite one and label its body.

Make a model – using anything you have at home – junk modelling, Lego, sticks and twigs etc – of a home for an animal or sea creature.  What will it need to have in its habitat to survive?

Creative activities

Can you make a pattern using 2 or 3 objects?  For example red – blue – red – blue… Get someone else to make the start of a pattern for you, can you carry it on?

Do a painting, draw a picture or make a collage of the sea – you might choose to do an underwater sea scene or a beach scene.  What will you need to include to make it really interesting?

Decorate and cut out the sea creatures on the sheets above.  Hang them on string to make a sea mobile.  If you can’t print the sea creature templates why not draw your own?

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