"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Future events
The PTA Committee plans an ambitious programme of events , but we are always open to hear suggestions for events or activities that other parents or family members have for events they would like to see run that can raise funds for the school.
Please get in touch with any member of the committee or come along to a meeting - meetings are very relaxed and it's a good way to find out more about the what we as parents can do to help our children.
Do you shop online?
Do you shop online? If so, please check out The Giving Machine because the chances are the shops you use will pay money to the school- and it won't cost you a single penny extra - we have raised over £120 so far, but we could considerably increase this if everyone remembers to use it!
PTA activity
Help us make Thatcham Park School an even more fantastic place for our children to learn by joining and/or supporting the PTA.
The PTA is a group of committed parents that spend their time planning and organising events that raise money to spend on the children that attend our lovely school. Technically, every parent or guardian of a child at the school is a member of the PTA - but to make our PTA run really well, we need people to get involved in one way or another. That could be attending one or more of the fantastic events run for children, parents or families, joining the committee or simply using one of the services that earns money for the school for free. There's loads going on and we're always glad to see new faces and hear from people that want to help us make a difference; whether that's suggesting an event that can raise funds, or proposing a project that the PTA funds can be spent on. So please - read on and please get involved!
What we have achieved
The PTA is tremendously grateful to everyone that comes to and supports the events and activities it runs. The money we raised from recent events has meant that the PTA has been able to pay for some important projects and enjoyable activities at the school that really make a difference for all our children.
Recent Projects funded by PTA include:
Shade Sail - in the KS1 playground to provide sun safe play and outdoor learning area for KS1 children.
Play Equipment - a £12,000 multi-skill play equipment scheme and safety precautions for use by all children.
Books - the start of a £1,000 per year book replacement programme including reading scheme and library books.
F1 Play Equipment - much needed new play equipment and toys including sand and water tables, indoor and outdoor toys.
F2 Multi-Media Equipment —3 KidiZoom cameras and rechargeable batteries.
Dining Tables - much needed new dining tables with fixed seats to make dinner times comfortable and safe.
Computers - replacing all the old computers in the ICT suite and classrooms, an investment of over £10,000.
School Trip Subsidy - a fund has been paid to the school to subsidise a school trip for each child by £2.
Gardening Club - £300 for large planters, compost and other much needed items that keep the gardening club “growing”.
Christmas Tree - the lovely tree that graces the school hall each Christmas is bought and decorated by the PTA.