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"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Thatcham Park School Inclusion Team

Rhiannon Dargan 

(Assistant Headteacher)

Simone Jardine


Sarah Goode

(Family School Support Worker)

Sabina Ricardo-Batty

(Family School Support Worker)

Theresa Booth


Leanne Fowler

(Behaviour Support Assistant)

Family School Support Worker Role

Emotional Literacy Support Role

Provides Emotional Literacy to identified children either on a 1 to 1 basis or within small groups for a limited 6 week period.  Areas covered include:

  • Basic emotional literacy and awareness
  • Self esteem
  • Self confidence
  • Loss/bereavement
  • Anger management
  • Anxiety and worries
  • Social skills
  • Friendships

ELSA support is not intended to address behavioural issues however the work completed with the child should deal with the underlying reasons for the behaviour.

With the pressures young children are subjected to we are also dealing with issues such as self-harm, eating disorders and mental health.

Berkshire Emotional Health Academy

The Emotional Health Academy is a new initiative that's part of the Brilliant West Berkshire: Building Community Together project. 

A network of qualified psychology graduates. These professionals work with young people and families to provide early, quick, responsive support. They also work closely with schools, GPs, children's centres, the police and other organisations.

Many of the existing ways to get help with issues around emotional health are under pressure, and services are understandably slow to respond as a result. The Emotional Health Academy helps to join people up with the things they need more quickly and at an earlier stage, before problems get worse. It's not designed to replace existing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), but to work alongside them.

The kind of help they can give includes:

  • One to one support
  • Group sessions
  • Arranging specific types of therapy

The graduates are supervised by educational and clinical psychologists to make sure that the help they're giving is appropriate. They also get ongoing support to learn on-the-job skills to help tackle problems with emotional health.


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