Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Design Technology

Design Technology projects will:
- Explore real life examples of designs.
- Be creative and innovative.
- Build on skills and practice techniques.
- Experience first-hand a range of areas of design and technology.
- Evaluate their own work and make improvements.
Design Technology Statement of Intent
As designers, pupils will be provided with the opportunity to be creative and to show innovation. As part of a balanced curriculum, they will be taught a range of skills throughout their time at Thatcham Park in order to allow them to fulfill a brief and take ownership of their work and ideas. This will incorporate real life skills to prepare them for the future.
The children will learn and follow the design process. They will be given the chance to test, critique and evaluate their work to create something that can fulfill its purpose. Design and Technology projects will have a clear purpose and this will be the driving force for the children’s work. Children will be giving the opportunity to research and use real life examples to inform their designs.
Children will evaluate their own work throughout the design process. They will be analytical and discuss things that worked well and improvements to be made.