Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Stepping Stones

We are delighted to announce that we have now been able to enhance our existing Foundation unit to provide nursery provision for two year olds from the local community. Historically, we have found that children who come through our current provision for three year olds are better equipped for the start of their formal school careers than those who come from either other pre-school settings or from having no early education. We are certain that putting this provision in place will enable us to provide first quality teaching and pastoral support from the earliest possible point and therefore close any potential gaps in achievement and aspiration as early as possible in the children’s education. We offer a combination of funded and self-funded places in our vibrant happy setting.
We plan to focus on oracy, social communication and a love of stories, rhymes and music. Learning each week is based around a theme, connected either to core elements of knowledge and understanding about themselves and the world around them or to relevant festivals taking place in different cultures at that particular time. We are particularly excited to have been asked to take part in the Book Trust ‘Storytime’ project during the Autumn term, which aims to connect 2 year olds in school settings and their families with free resources in their local libraries based around a weekly story.
If you would like to know more or book a visit, then please feel free to contact the school office.