‘Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Metacognition at Thatcham Park
At Thatcham Park we are encouraging all of our pupils to think about their learning and what helps them to learn. Reflecting on the way in which they have learnt new knowledge and skills helps them to recognise how they can tackle learning challenges in the future.
This is particularly relevent in maths when solving problems. We encourage the children to consider when they might have tackled a similiar problem and use what they learnt to tackle the new one.
Knowledge Organisers
At home and at school we encourage children to make use of knowledge organisers. These contain key vocabulary, facts and concepts that are essential for the topic covered. Children can use these for reference and to self-test their new knowledge. Sometimes children will be asked to construct their own knowledge organisers to demonstrate what they have learnt. Using knowledge organisers are a strategy that can be applied as a part of the metacognition cycle.

Rubrics contain assessment information. We share these with the children so that they can track their learning progress and can understand what is expected of them. They may talk about success criteria which are the elements that they need to include in a piece of work or knowledge that they need to demonstrate. We use written work and oral contributions to make our assessments and pupils have the opportunity to use feedback from their teacher to improve their work.