‘Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Religious Education

RE statement of curriculum intent
We are growing children to be active, inclusive citizens in a worldwide community, with a good understanding and knowledge of different faiths, cultures and heritages. Demonstrating respect, empathy and acceptance.
Through enquiry work across several religions pupils are supported to develop their understanding of the fundamental principles of religion enabling them to draw comparisons.
Our engaging creative curriculum makes links with art and music with a strong focus on the promotion of oracy to enable pupils to articulate their thinking and opinions and respond to those of others.
An RE lesson
- Lessons begin with a spark to engage the pupils
- Balance between knowledge acquisition and skill application through discussion and debate
- Balance between opportunities for personal reflection and enquiry
- Opportunities to record and develop their own opinions in more detail in order to engage in ongoing dialogue with staff