"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Our Expectations

Thatcham Park School Inclusion Team
Rhiannon Dargan, Assistant Headteacher
Simone Jardine, SENCO
Sarah Goode, Family School Support Worker
Sabina Ricardo-Batty, Family School Support Worker
Leanne Fowler, Behaviour Support Office
Theresa Booth, ELSA
Behaviour and Discipline in School
We are concerned not only for the educational progress of all the children but also for their personal and social development. We have a strong and effective programme for Personal, Health and Social Education and a consistent approach to positive behaviour management.
We are a happy, caring community and we have a high expectation that our children will behave well, think of others and give of their best. We value children’s achievements and celebrate and share them with the school as a whole. Children are encouraged to bring any certificates, medals, prizes etc into school to be presented in our weekly Celebration Assembly. This also provides the opportunity to celebrate achievements in school, when each class teacher identifies any outstanding contributions from children that week.
We encourage classes to produce their own rules or code of behaviour, taking responsibility for themselves and their environment. We see it as part of a child’s whole education to learn to live in a community, showing respect and consideration for others and for the school environment. However, there are children who will misbehave in school. Should this occur, privileges may be withdrawn or sanctions imposed. If necessary, parents will be invited into school to discuss any problems. Our policy for behaviour is consistent and transparent and clearly understood by all of the children.
Any incidents or evidence of bullying are treated most seriously if or when they occur. The children are encouraged at all times to talk to staff and tell them of any problems.
The staff are always willing to discuss any aspect of school life with you but it is helpful to make an appointment or give reasonable notice for such a discussion. We welcome the chance to work with you in all aspects of your child’s education.
Restorative Approach
A restorative approach provides an underpinning ethos and philosophy for making, maintaining and repairing relationships and for fostering a sense of social responsibility and shared accountability.
When harm has been caused by inappropriate, sometimes thoughtless, negative behaviour then all sides need:
- a chance to tell their side of the story and feel heard-
- to understand better how the situation happened
- to understand how it can be avoided another time-
- to feel understood by the others involved
- to find a way to move on and feel better about themselves