Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
PE statement of intent
At Thatcham Park, through a high-quality physical education curriculum we aim to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in sport and other physically-demanding activities; learners will become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Children form a positive relationship with physical activity for life.
Thatcham Park provides a meaningful and inclusive PE programme that enables EVERY child to learn key physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills in order to reach THEIR full potential in PE and sport.
PE Lessons
Through our PE curriculum we develop children holistically through 6 multi-abilities, as well a fundamental movement skills programme that focuses on their ABC’s (Agility, Balance and Coordination), so they can succeed, progress, and be challenged in their own way.

Curriculum Content
TPS Documents
REAL PE curriculum maps
REAL PE skills progressions
REAL PE Assessment Overview