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"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11



The governors of Thatcham Park CE Primary School have  experience both in education and business and who work tirelessly to ensure that the school provides quality in all aspects of school life.

The governors believe that the foundation of this is a learning environment in which all children feel safe, creating a calm and supportive atmosphere for learning. This is alongside a staff team who are dedicated to each child reaching their maximum potential.

We believe that children will thrive at school through a partnership between children, teachers, parents, carers and governors, and look to develop this across both the curriculum and through the numerous extra-curricular activities that the school offers.

If anyone would like to contact either me or any of the other governors this can be done through the school office.

Chair of Governors

Please click on the links to the left hand side of the page for Governor information.

To contact governors please email


marked for the attention of the Clerk to the Governors

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