Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Science Week

KS1 are being super scientists! We have been learning about personal hygiene and germs. We have set up an experiment to test the effect of washing your hands. First, we went outside and got our hands dirty. Then we touched a fresh piece of bread and put it in a sandwich bag. Next, we washed our hands thoroughly with soap and water then touched a fresh piece of bread. We labelled our pieces of bread 'washed' and 'unwashed'. We have predicted that the bread that we touched with dirty hands probably won't taste very nice and might even go mouldy! We're so excited to see the results of our experiment as we keep observing the bread each day.
Week 1 – F2 have started to look at plants and how to grow a bean. We have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and some of the children have started to grow their own bean. We are learning about the parts of a plant and what they need to grow. In the classroom we have an area for the children to talk and play about planting. In the role play this week we have the Giant’s castle from Jack and the Beanstalk and the children have been acting out the story. This investigation has all been part of our science week learning.

Year 6 Lego Workshop
Year 6 attended a Lego Workshop. We learnt how to build a Lego robot that could move and we also learnt how to program it to move so it could move forwards and backwards. Year 6 were given three challenges. The first one was to build the robot. The second was to program the robot to move around Saturn and land on an asteroid, this was more challenging and took a little while to get right. The third was to complete the challenge cards, for example there was one where you needed to rescue two astronauts by adding a third motor and building on some hooks to hook the Year 6 Lego Workshop reported by Zena astronauts and bring them back to base. It was a lot of fun.