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"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

English Curriculum

English Display 12 13 P2150068 (6)

Find our English curriculum here.


At Thatcham Park, we take a systematic approach to phonics teaching for decoding and encoding, both in discrete sessions, following the Read, Write Inc programme, and across the curriculum, encouraging further application of developing phonics learning. As children become emerging and fluent readers, we focus on reading in greater depth as critical readers, discussing, appreciating and exploring texts across the curriculum and to inform development in writing throughout all curriculum areas.


In line with the new Primary Curriculum, we understand that children learn best when they can apply writing skills in purposeful contexts for a range of purposes and in a variety of ways. – hence our focus on ensuring a cross-curricular approach with topic themes. With the increased emphasis on grammar and punctuation, we again recognise children can best understand grammar when it is explored through purposeful reading and writing opportunities that are embedded in topic-related contexts, applying the relevant meta-language and understanding to apply to their own compositions.

English Display 12 13 P2150068 (13)

Read, Write Inc. Phonics

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