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'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you have been.'  1 Thessalonians 5:11

Year 2 Home Learning Summer 2

Week 7


Continue to access White Rose materials and practise times tables.

Read the attached reading comprehension and answer the questions. As always, parents please choose the appropriate level and support your child by hearing them read and talk about the questions together.

This week’s writing tasks link to this text so you will need to complete this first! 

 What is Bear thinking?

Once you have completed the reading comprehension, look at the attached pictures and record in full sentences what you think Bear is thinking based on what you know is happening in the story. You can look at the picture and record on paper if you are unable to print.

Describe the Bear!

Write a list of words of nouns and adjectives to describe the Bear.

Use your word list to write a detailed description of Bear from the story! Think about what he looks like, feels like and his personality.

There is a template attached to use if you wish (select the appropriate level) but your child could just record on paper.

Bear’s Next Adventure!

What do you think could happen next time Bear comes to babysit?

Write a mini story to show what you think could happen. There is no wrong idea!!

You could begin with a story map to plan out your ideas and then write your story.

There is a template attached if you wish to use it but blank paper is fine!

Sports Day!


Sadly, we have had to miss our annual sports day but could you create something at home?

You can compete with your family in an outside space and choose your own activities.

Attached are some ideas!


You could plan to do this on a day which suits your family.

Make your own ice lollies!

Attached are some recipe ideas or you could create your own!



Make your own time capsule or special memory box / collage all about your time during this current time at home due to the virus. Have you anything you have collected or found when out on a walk? You could record your feelings, what you have done to enjoy the time, lovely memories, photographs etc. You can then keep this somewhere safe and you will always have it to remember!

This week it is ‘World Emoji Day!’

Can you create your own emoji? Attached is a template you could use to cut and stick, or you could just make your own!


Week 7 Resources

Week 6



Read the information about planets. Answer the comprehension questions. As always, parents please choose the appropriate level and support your child by hearing them read and talk about the questions together.


Choose an African animal. Create a poster about the animal to show where it lives, what it eats, how it is adapted to survive and any other interesting or relevant information!


Can you build your own circuit in your garden or in a room in your home? You can use objects as obstacles (with parents’ permission and supervision) or create exercises using only your body. Here are some Joe Wicks cards if you need ideas!


This week we are going to complete activities focused on a specific word of the day to expand vocabulary. Choose from the following activities and choose whichever you would like to do for each word. You can do as many as you like! The words are highlighted below.

-Write the definition

-Write an acrostic poem using the letters in the word.

-Can you write a sentence using the word

-How many other words can you write using the letters in the word.

‘Wisdom’ (noun)

‘Experienced’ (adjective)

‘Naturally’ (adverb)



Using an outdoor space or next to an open window,

listen carefully with your eyes closed to any sounds you can hear. After one minute, open your eyes and write down everything you heard.


Using your knowledge of Africa, you are going to design an African country! Draw an outline of the country and add any key mountains, lakes or rivers you would like to add – don’t forget to name them! You can colour the country to show land and water .


Now we are starting to think about moving into Year 3, think about 3 things you are most looking forward to! You can write these in any creative ways you wish!


Spend some time reflecting on your time in Year 2 – both in school and at home!

Create a memory board or collage to show your feelings and memories of Year 2. You can be a creative as you like!

Week 5


Read, ‘The Best Dressed’ and answer the comprehension questions.

Parents, please choose the most suitable star level of questions.

Some children will need support to read the text. You can read it to your child if it is rather challenging.


Previously you have explored the stages of human life.

Using this knowledge, discuss and record positive, negative and interesting thoughts about each of these statements.

  1. You are a child who never grows up.
  2. You can live alone from the age of 10.


Keep a fitness diary for the week. It isn’t as easy to move as much as we are used to. Can you plan in some special activities to keep your fitness up? Attached is a diary template you could use or you can create your own!


White Rose maths can be found here.


Listen to ‘

’. Talk about the words. Are all the words from the same language? Explain that this song is about animals gathering at a watering hole in Africa where they can share their stories and come together. Some of the words are in Kenya’s national language, Swahili. Some are in English. The Swahili words used are: JAMBO – a traditional Swahili greeting KARIBOU – Welcome WANYAMA – Animals Learn to sing the song


Using your artwork from last week, design your own African Aztec tile.

Ask an adult to draw a square big enough (but not too big!) A ruler is essential for straight lines. If you don’t have a ruler, you can find something with a straight edge to use instead! Don’t worry if you make mistakes as you can try again!

Keep your final design for next week!


Writing: Spread across 3 days.

Using your research about the desert habitat, you are now going to start to write your information text. You may want to jot down again your headings in order on some paper, so you know which order you are going to write your text. Don’t forget to plan what pictures and captions you will include and leave space for these. You can stick in a picture or draw.

Use the 3 days to write your information text. You can refer to the example for how the layout shout look. Remember a title and subheadings!

You could choose to draft first and then you can edit and make improvements- this is best practice.

You may choose to write or type your final draft. Keep an eye on your spelling for key words – especially if you have to correct spelling in your notes and join your handwriting where possible.

Your sentences should be your own words and not copied from your research.

Spelling 1

Practise the days of the week if you cannot already spell them! You could test your child first to see if they need to practise all or just some!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Attached is a ‘look, cover, write, check’ sheet which you could use, or make your own!

Spelling 2

If confident with the days of the week, move on to months of the year following the same format.

January, February, March, April, May, June.

Spelling 3

Continue with the rest of the months of the year.

July, August, September, October, November, December.

If your child is confident, ask them to write a sentence using each month in as this is when errors are likely to be made!

Week 4

See Purple Mash for further tasks.  

Don’t forget you can upload your work you are completing at home to show us. It really makes us so happy to see what you are doing and be able to comment back to you!


White Rose Maths

Continue to follow White Rose every day and practise times tables and telling the time to 5-minute intervals


Read the attached fact sheet about Kenya. You may need to support your child with unknown words, ensuring they understand what is read. There will be lots of discussion opportunities about what is read.

Read the extract from ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ by Cressida Cowell. Some children may need support or for you to read it to them. Draw what you think is going to happen next, make sure you use the clues from the text. Use the pictures and setting description to make your drawing accurate. Annotate your drawing with words/phrases from the text to show how you knew what to draw.

Writing - information texts - habitats

1.Parents- please see our information guidance for teaching information texts explaining what this type of writing is to help you explain to your child. They have written information texts before and this should be a recap!

2. Attached is an example text we would have used in school about the rainforest habitat.  You will see parts are highlighted showing the main features.

3. Now the children are confident with what an information text is, tell them are going to over the 2 weeks, write an information text about the desert habitat (hot).  Whilst children may know a little bit about the desert and what lives there, they will not know enough to be to write a whole information text in detail.  You will need to research information, knowing what information you want to find out. You should use the subheadings from the example as a base for fact finding.

  • What is a desert?
  • What is the weather/climate like?
  • What animals live there? (Children could look into how some animals are adapted for this habitat)
  • Extra interesting facts.

You may come up with your own heading and could focus on one particular animal in more detail.

Below is a PowerPoint which will be useful, but more research will need to be carried out. This could be spread out over a couple of days.

Geography - where is Kenya?

Read through the PowerPoint.

Pay attention to the challenge questions on the PowerPoint and make sure you have a go at answering.

If you have an atlas, you could look in closer detail at Kenya to identify features such as the capital city (Nairobi), main cities (Mombasa, Kisumu) rivers (Tana), mountains (Mount Kenya) and surrounding oceans (Indian Ocean). Attached are maps of Kenya and Africa.

If you have a globe, you could use this also and give children practise to find Africa and Kenya and other continents and countries they know!

Complete the passport to Kenya activity.

Art - Aztec art

Look at a range of Aztec patterns using the internet. Some examples are below. What can you see? Do you like them? How are they similar? How are they different?

You could research Aztec art and explore what sort of art is made using the patterns. Where might we see these patterns today?



See if you can follow along and practise using the breathing/ mindfulness techniques.

Which was your favourite?

Which made you feel the most calm?

Make up a dance to your favourite song. If you want you can perform it to the rest of the family!

Make a list or draw a picture of all the things in your home which start with the same letter or are the same colour.



It would be best to not see the screen, so the image doesn’t influence the children’s imagination!!

  • What instruments can you hear?
  • How does the music make you feel?
  • What can you imagine seeing?
  • What might be happening whilst this music is playing?
Can you create a piece of artwork to show what you can imagine in Africa whilst listening to this music?

Week 3 Arts Week

Year 2 are to focus on water birds (swans, puffins, geese, ducks etc). You should spend some time looking at videos and photos online to study some of these birds or a one of your choice. We are fortunate to have Thatcham Lakes so close and if you are able, you could visit and take some photos. There are great numbers of geese at the moment!

When you know which you would like to sketch, you should practise sketching the feathers and move onto the whole bird.  You can develop your skills over the week, ending in a final picture at the end.  There are links to videos here. As always, we would love to see your artwork so please share with us on Purple Mash.


We would have been getting excited about our Cotswolds trip had we still all been in school. One of the main focuses was to explore the habitats of African animals which we would have seen at Cotswold Wildlife Park and we would have completed the following learning before our trip.

Think about what you already know about Kenya and Africa from your home learning. What plants and trees do you think grow there? Are there any which you would not expect to grow? Why?

Research specifically what grows there and if there are any specific reasons for this.

You could use this information to add to your geography task to compare plants which grow in England.


Continue to follow White Rose every day and practise times tables and telling the time to 5-minute intervals


  • What book are you currently reading?
  • Is there a new book a parent can begin to read you this week?
  • Can you set yourself a goal for how many books you want to read before the end of June?

Complete the comprehension about elephants. (This may help for any Africa work listed too!)

Please select the appropriate level for your child.


How is Kenya different to England?

Using your research from earlier work, can you choose a way to create a piece of work to compare life in England with life in Kenya?

Things to possibly consider:

-The weather

-Animals / pets

-Where people live

- What is the land like?

-What are popular sports?

-You hopefully will also think of your own thoughts to compare!




Read the poem, The Magic Box, below.  Discuss this with an adult, particularly any words which you don’t understand!

Discuss what makes the poem effective imagery using adjectives, abstract, fantasy.

Ask your child what they might put in their magic box. What colours, sights, smells? Weather? Dreams, feelings? Natural things?

Create a mind map of ideas-

what abstract ideas can you think of which you could never actually put inside a box, eg, a snowman’s rumbling belly!

How can you make your ideas more effective? For example, I want to add a blanket to my box but I can improve my poetic language by adding a wooly, warm blanket by ensuring I use adjectives. Did you spot my alliteration?!

  • Look back at your mind map of ideas for what you could put into your imaginary box.
  • Can you improve any language you have used?
  • Do you have any new ideas your could add?
  • Now, you are going to have a go at drafting your poem, following the structure of the poem you have read.
  • You can change your draft, improve it, and edit as much as you like until you are happy with it!
    • Make sure you get an adult to read it and see if they have any suggestions for you on how you could make it even better.
    • How is your handwriting? Are you remembering to join the letters you have learnt to do and are all letters formed correctly?
    • Make sure you concentrate on spelling too!

When you are happy with your draft, you now are going to write your poem our in neat! This could be on paper or typed. It is your choice.

We would LOVE to see your poems! You can share them on purple mash or email a photo or a copy to the office for us to see.


Please share with us your magic finger stories from last week. We would love to see them!

Purple Mash

New 2do's on Purple Mash


Yoga – Perfect for 30 minutes of independent learning! These yoga videos are SO much fun and follow a story. We have been loving these videos in school too!

Miss Smith’s favourite is the ‘Harry Potter & the Philosophers Stone’ yoga and Mrs Mellett likes the ‘Trolls’ yoga!

Insert content here

Make Your Own Glitter Jar

-Fill a jar or bottle or jar with water, leaving 2cm of space at the top.

-Add a generous amount of glitter or glitter glue to the water.

-Seal the bottle well!!

How to use it:

Shake the jar.

Imagine that the glitter is like your thoughts when you’re worried, stressed, angry or upset. See how they whirl around and make it really hard to see clearly? That’s why it’s so easy to make silly choices when you’re upset because you’re not thinking clearly. Don’t worry, this is normal and it happens to all of us (even grown-ups!).

Now put the jar down.

Watch what happens you’re still for a few moments. Keep watching. See how the glitter starts to settle and the water clears? Your mind works the same way. When you’re calm for a little while, your thoughts starts to settle and you start to see things much clearer.

Week 2

Mrs Mellett  and Miss Smith are so, so proud of how well you (and your adults) have adapted to learning at home. Everyday life is very different to how it normally is at the moment but we’re very happy to be able to go outside and do more things than before J

  • Can you take some time to reflect on the last few months of changes?
  • What were your favourite moments?
  • What did you enjoy about staying at home?
  • Was it tricky at first?
You might wish to make a time-capsule with the template below to write and draw about your time staying safe at home or you could make your own!


Continue to follow White Rose every day and practise times tables and telling the time to 5 minute intervals.


See the reading comprehension task about Tom Moore which is below.

Parents, please select the appropriate star level for you child. The higher the star, the more challenging.


Reading / Writing

If you haven’t completed reading or listening to The Magic Finger then do so and complete the booklet of questions.

When you have finished, create a story map like we do in class of the story using pictures and key words to show all of the main events that happen. Make sure you can see where the beginning, middle and end is!

If you want a challenge, you could change something about the story, maybe the main character, a different magical body part, a different setting etc.


Use your story map to rewrite the story in your own words. You could break it up and write the beginning, middle and end on different days.

Can you design a book cover and blurb for your version of The Magic Finger? 

Remember your story may need a new title if your character no longer has a magic finger!



Watch this video about Rosa Parks.  

Stop the video at 4:00 minutes and talk about the video together.

  • What did you notice?
  • What was different and what was the same about life today?
  • How do you feel about Rosa’s story so far?

You could discuss the word ‘segregation’. We are being kept apart at the moment for our health, was there any reason to keep people apart then? Some people were allowed to sit on benches and others were not à Do you think that this is fair? Was one group of people treated less fairly than the other?

You might choose to create a list of the different ‘segregations’ that white and black people had to follow:

Different churches, different bathrooms, drinking from different water fountains etc.

You could write a diary entry from the perspective of a child who has to follow these rules.

Watch the rest of the video about Rosa Parks.

-Why was it such an important event that Rosa would not give up her seat?

-What do you think about the protest? People ‘boycotted’ the bus, which means that they stopped using it on purpose and walked instead to make a stand. They believed that it was not right to treat people unfairly because of their skin colour.

At the end of the video, the actress playing Rosa Parks says:

Black people and white people were still kept separate in other ways, but it was a start. A step towards equality and justice.

Can you research another influential person who has made a difference in taking a step towards a fair and equal society?

You can present your ideas however you like J



Watch this video and have a go at learning some of the breathing and mindfulness techniques!

I know that when I’m feeling worried, stressed, anxious or even angry I can use these to help me calm down and feel better.
  • Do something that makes you happy!
  • Maybe you could take some time to read, sit quietly, do some baking, play some football, lie in the sun, doing some colouring.
  • Anything that you enjoy doing and will make you smile! 

Purple Mash

See Purple Mash for further tasks.  

Don’t forget you can upload your work you are completing at home to show us. It really makes us so happy to see what you are doing and be able to comment back to you!

Keep Reading

What can you find new around the house to read?

  • A magazine?
  • A newspaper?
  • A cereal box?
  • Is there anything interesting to read on any food packaging?


Lead a discussion with your child about the following…

How old were you when you were considered old enough to…..

  • Own a pet?
  • Get yours ears pierced?
  • Have your own TV?
  • Ride a bike?
  • Use the kettle?

Ask the children if they can think of any other things they are considered old enough or responsible enough to do.

Look at some events that we have to be a certain age.

Explain that the they are going to create a timeline of their lives up to now, plotting their milestones on the line in the correct place.  Talk through a few examples such as starting nursery/school, riding a bike without stabilisers etc.

Have a concluding discussion about the following points:

  • When do you think you are old enough to decide your religion?
  • When are you responsible for your views?

Discuss and explain that this is all about taking responsibility.  Some things we are old enough to take responsibility for and some we aren’t. 

Week One


Listen (or read if you have the book) to The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl using this YouTube link.  The audio version is just under 22 minutes long. You could listen to in parts.   You could also read along with the reader!

The Magic Finger

Complete the question booklet. This could be spread out over the week or even two weeks.

You don’t need to print these questions if you don’t have printer access, you or an adult could copy them onto paper. Children working lower than the secure level could answer these verbally to an adult. This will be excellent written comprehension practise for everyone else.

Write a character description for one of the characters you have met in so far in The Magic Finger. What do they look like? What are they like? What do they like to do?


Continue to follow White Rose every day and practise times tables.


Write 3 things that you could do to help you feel better when you are worried about something.

Draw a problem or worry you may have. What will you do to help get rid of it?

Create your own Yoga sequence. You can use the poster attached for pose ideas or use others that you may know.

Can you teach your sequence to someone in your family?


What is the life cycle of a human? Discuss with someone at home and create your own timeline. You can use the template suggested or create your own. Try and include some sentences to describe the changes.

See PowerPoint attached for lots of detail and information on each stage.

There is a ‘2do’ template for this set on Purple Mash which you could use rather than using paper.

Think about when you were a baby and compare this to now you are a child. What can you now do? What has changed?

What will be different when you are a teenager, adult, or an elderly person? You can choose how you present this work.


This should be a discussion with a parent, parents please use these questions to lead the discussion. You may think of other things to also discuss. There is a PowerPoint attached which we would have used in school. You can use the final page to print for your scroll template if you wish or create your own.

  • What is an agreement or promise?
  • Can you think of any you have made?
  • What should happen when you make an agreement or promise?
  • Should You keep it?
  • How would you feel if someone broke their promise or agreement to you?
  • How could you help yourself to remember the promise you have made so you don’t break it?
Using a promise you may have already made or make a new one now, create a scroll saying what your promise is and sign it!

Food Chains

Use this link to watch a Science lesson about food chains!


Keep reading! How many new books have you read since learning at home?

Purple Mash

See Purple Mash for further tasks.

Don’t forget you can upload your work you are completing at home to show us. It really makes us so happy to see what you are doing and be able to comment back to you!

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