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"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you have been." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Year 3 Summer 2

Week 7

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purplemash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 7 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 12)



Follow White Rose maths from the website.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.


RULE: no particular rule, these are from the year 3/4 statutory spelling lists.


Knowledge, mention, position, occasion, regular, straight, caught, natural


Continuing on our work about poetry, this week we would like you to create a poem and then perform it to someone in your household. We have attached a sheet for some guidance and a planning sheet to help you!


We would like you to spend some time reflecting on the positives of your time in year 3! Please see template attached.


As this would have been our last week together, bake a cake of your choice for an end of term celebration. You may like to write the instructions to share with us, take pictures to share and create your own decorations! HAVE FUN!

Week 7 Resources

Week 6

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purple Mash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 6 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 11)



Follow White Rose Maths from the website.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.


RULE: no particular rule, these are from the year 3/4 statutory spelling lists.


Favourite, believe, library, remember, naughty, calendar, actually, although, forwards


Create a Haiku of things that have happened in lockdown. We have attached a power point that explains what a Haiku is and how to write one, it then gives you examples. Don’t forget to submit them so we can see them!  


Recap your learning from the previous weeks on the human body. Then find someone to play skeleton bingo with. See if you can remember the names of the bones and see who is the first to call bingo. We have also included a flap skeleton to help you remember the scientific names of the bones.  


Shadow art. Using your learning of shadows from last week see if you can create a picture using shadows. Create a shadow using an object and then add a picture around it. For example use a toy to create a dinosaur shadow and then draw a jungle scene or use an object to create a different shape and create a picture.


Week 5

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purplemash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 5 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 10)



Follow White Rose maths.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.

RULE: no particular rule, these are from the year 3/4 statutory spelling lists.

Therefore, though, although, thought, through, various, weight.


Complete the SPAG mystery challenge activity. This can be found below.


This week we would like to investigate shadows.

  • What creates a shadow?
  • What do you need to be able to make a shadow?
  • Can you create a lighter or darker shadow?
  • Can you change the size of a shadow?

You might like to research this or investigate practically and present your findings in a method of your choice. We would love to see them.


Make the garden you designed last week. This can be done in completely your own way using any materials you can find eg. Lego, recycling materials, play dough, hammabeads. We would love to see them, you could take a picture and post it on purple mash.

Week 4

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purplemash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 4 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do. Then complete the worksheet on the website.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 9)



Follow White Rose maths from the website.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.


RULE: no particular rule, these are from the year 3/4 statutory spelling lists.


Sentence, separate, special, straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise



This week we are looking at poetry.

Firstly complete the comprehension to learn about the poet.

Then read through the poem and look for certain features. For example: adverbs, adjectives, verses or any patterns they notice.

Talk about what the poem is about.  


Collect ideas of how you could write a similar poem of your own. This will form the plan for your writing.

Then write your own poem, you could publish these on purple mash for us to see!



Create a fact file on the River Ganges. You may wish to include a map, write about the story of Ganga and include some important facts you found out last week. You could post these onto purple mash!


Complete the worksheet about the functions of the skeleton. You could make a model of a skeleton too to show these really clearly.

We have attached a PowerPoint you might like to look through first.


Linked to Literacy, design your own garden that you could later make.

Plan it out, including what it will look like, its purpose and what it will be made of.  We can then make these in future weeks.

Week 3 Arts Week

We would love to see your art work, please share it with us on the Purple Mash display board.

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purplemash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 3 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do. Then complete the worksheet on the website.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 8)



Follow White Wose maths here on the website.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.


RULE: adding ‘ly’. If the word ends in ‘ic’ ‘cally’ is added. If the words end in ‘le’ it is changed to ‘ly’.


Dramatically, simply, gently, basically, frantically, sparkly,


Continue writing your story- we anticipate this might be quite a lengthy task. If you have finished, we have attached a good example. Read through this and then go back and improve your story. Did you miss any key features? Could you make it more exciting to read?

Art week:

This week is art week so all afternoons would usually be dedicated to this. Our focus is kingfisher birds. We have attached some example artwork, some colouring to practice with colours and patterns and a step by step video showing how to draw these. You may want to practice first before deciding what media to use for your final piece. Remember to think about your use of colour, how you can effectively sketch with a pencil and submit your final piece on purple mash. We would LOVE to see them! Check out the resources here.

Week 2

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purple Mash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 2 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do. Then complete the worksheet on the website.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 7)


Follow White Rose maths from the website.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.

RULE: Practice adding these suffixes to words. (ness, ful, ment, less, ly)


achievement, colourful, awkwardness, safely, hopeless, forgetful, awareness, amazement, harmless




Read the story of the gingerbread man on website. Then re-write the story with a few changes.

Before writing the story plan it out- you may want to do a story map (drawing it out).

You could change:

  • A character
  • The setting
  • Ending

Remember to include:

  • Adjectives and adverbs
  • Sentence starters
  • Speech
  • Punctuation
  • Conjunctions
  • Paragraphs


Look at the PowerPoint on the River Ganges and discuss why it was important.

Then do you own research or use the PowerPoint to create a list of 10 interesting facts.


Think about all the keyworkers for example, binmen, postman, teachers, shop workers, cleaners, nurses, doctors.

Think about how they have helped us and put others’ needs before their own.

Write a letter to say thank you for all their hard work. 



Look through the PowerPoint and talk about different bones in your body.

Then complete the labelling of the skeleton sheet. If you can’t print, you could draw it out.

Week 1

2do’s tasks that have been set on Purplemash.


Guided reading:

Read chapter 1 of ‘Alien hotel’ which we have set as a 2do. Then complete the worksheet on the website.


Complete the fluent in 5 questions attached. (week 5)


Follow White Rose maths from the website.


Practice these spellings, you could do a speed write (set a timer and see how many times you can write the word), write them in colours or write them into a sentence.

RULE: adding suffix ‘ous’. Words ending in ‘y’ become ‘I’ and words ending in ‘our’ become ‘or’.


Various, furious, glamorous, mysterious, glorious, humorous, victorious


We have also attached another ‘correct the spelling’ sheet.


Research Italy and then create as a fact file. Encourage the children to think of the things they want to find out.

Examples: history, food they eat, population, climate, famous cities, compare the north and south.


This week we are going to focus on writing a setting description.

Use the sheet on the website to prompt ideas based on the picture.

Then write all ideas into a paragraph. Try to include conjunctions, exciting vocabulary, sentence starters, adjectives and adverbs.


This week we are thinking about water.

Discuss these questions: (you may want to record them)

Why is water important?

What can we do with water?

What would life be like without water?

Do we appreciate water?

Where does water come from?

Then children create a poem about water.


Create 2 pages (could be for a journal). One page to focus on the ‘good things that have happened in lockdown’ and one page to focus on ‘worries.’


Have you learnt a new skill?

Have you had more time for hobbies?

Have you done activities you don’t normally do?


Find your favourite Italian landmark. Have a go at sketching this on paper. You could use pencil, colouring pencils, paint, college, make a 3D model.

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