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Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Year 4 Letter Writing


Along with the rest of the school and 192 countries, we celebrated Earth Day. Falling nicely in preparation for our next topic of What a Wonderful World, we learnt about and discussed the impact that humans are having on the planet, environment and climate, especially the rainforest. We thought about all the ways in which we can make small changes in order to save the planet.

As part of our topic, ‘What a Wonderful World’, we have studied the Amazon Rainforest and the effects of deforestation. The children learnt how humans are destroying these fragile rainforests, that are home to many creatures and plants. Sadly, we found out that the World’s rainforests will all disappear in 79 years’ time and 28000 species of animals will become extinct in the next 25 years, unless we start to take action now! The children were so highly motivated by the topic; and took great interest in finding facts and key Year 4 reported by Mrs Biggs information. Therefore, in Literacy, we wrote formal, persuasive letters to a variety of people, for example, the Queen, Sir David Attenborough, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Boris Johnson, Laura Farris and the British Consulate in Brazil! As part of their homework, the children had to find the addresses of these ‘influential’ people, so that they were ready to write and send off their letters in stamped envelopes! We now wait with baited breath, to see if we receive any letters back …!

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